Transition The Grove

...transitioning to thriving resilience in a low-carbon low-oil-dependent future

in Ferny Grove, Upper Kedron, Ferny Hills, Arana Hills, Keperra & Woolshed Grove
and the mountain catchments of Kedron Brook


Statistics for The Grove from the 2006 Census
Population     8200     (Compares with The Gap 16120)   Population in The Grove is growing rapidly with major new developments in Upper Kedron and Woolshed Grove.

Males 49%, Females 51%

Indigenous persons 102

Age groups:

Median age 33.5 years

Australian citizenship  7563 persons

Persons born overseas  1522

Overseas visitors  68

Stability living in The Grove - where living 5 years ago

Country of birth

Main language spoken at home


People born overseas

Religious affiliation

Marital status (people aged 15 years and over)

Education - attending

Highest year of school complete (people aged 15 years and over)

Qualifications beyond schooling

People needing assistance because of profound or severe disability (self-care, mobility, communication) because of disability, long term health condition or old age

Persons providing unpaid assistance to a person with a disability by age of person giving assistance

1364 people do voluntary work for an organisation or group.

Labour force (people aged 15 years and over)

Occupation (employed people aged 15 years and over)

Industry of employment (employed people aged 15 years and over)


Family characteristics

Types of dwellings

State Housing rental dwellings 54

Median rent $935/month

Median housing loan repayment $1334/month

Average household size 3.0

Motor vehicles in The Grove

Method of travel to work

Work at home  141

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