Statistics for The
Grove from the 2006 Census
Population 8200
(Compares with The Gap 16120) Population in The Grove is
growing rapidly with major new developments in Upper Kedron and
Woolshed Grove.
Males 49%, Females 51%
Indigenous persons 102
Age groups:
- 0-4 years 604
- 5-14 years 1377
- 15-24 years 1202
- 25-54 years 3653
- 55-64 years 923
- 65 years & over 440
Median age 33.5 years
Australian citizenship 7563 persons
Persons born overseas 1522
Overseas visitors 68
Stability living in The Grove - where living 5 years ago
- Same address in The Grove 3826 50%
- Other Queensland 2283
- Interstate 585
- Overseas 325
Country of birth
- Australia 6663
- UK 452
- New Zealand 181
- South Africa 94
- India 40
- Iran 19
- Vietnam 7
- Japan 5
Main language spoken at home
- English 7555
- Italian 40
- Cantonese 27
- Persian 26
- Spanish 24
- Punjabi 21
- Tagalog 18
- German 10
- Sinhalese 9
- Afrikaans 8
- Japanese 4
- Both parents born in Australia 5199
- One parent born in Australia 1133
- Neither parent born in Australia 1599
People born overseas
- Arrived before 1991 49.5%
- Arrived between 1991 & 2001 30%
- Arrived since 2001 15.5% 124 people
Religious affiliation
- Christian 5061
- Catholic 2513
- Anglican 1519
- Uniting Church 704
- Presbyterian & Reformed 325
- No religion 1473
- Buddhism 7
Marital status (people aged 15 years and over)
- Married 3777
- Never married 1771
- Separated or divorced 538
- Widowed 124
Education - attending
- Pre-school 163
- Primary school 900
- Secondary school 696
- TAFE 182
- University 384
- Other educational 60
Highest year of school complete (people aged 15 years and over)
- Year 12 3446
- Year 11 491
- Year 10 1614
- Year 9 218
- Year 8 or less 226
Qualifications beyond schooling
- Level of qualification
- Post-graduate degree 171
- Graduate diploma/certificate 160
- Bachelor degree 955
- Advanced diploma/certificate 576
- Certificate 1071
- Field of study
- Natural & physical sciences 119
- Information technology 150
- Engineering & related technologies 614
- Architecture & building 179
- Agriculture, environmental & related studies 46
- Health & nursing 289
- Education & teaching 333
- Management & commerce 606
- Society & culture 351
- Creative arts 96
- Food, hospitality & personal services 166
People needing assistance because of profound or severe disability
(self-care, mobility, communication) because of disability, long term
health condition or old age
- 0-4 years 9
- 5-14 years 28
- 15-19 years 19
- 20-24 years 5
- 25-34 years 14
- 35-44 years 10
- 45-54 years 13
- 55-64 years 21
- 65-74 years 14
- 75-84 years 23
- 85 years & over 10
- Total 166
Persons providing unpaid assistance to a person with a disability by
age of person giving assistance
- 15-19 years 24
- 20-24 years 20
- 25-34 years 73
- 35-44 years 152
- 45-54 years 182
- 55-64 years 174
- 65-74 years 32
- 75-84 years 7
- Total 664
1364 people do voluntary work for an organisation or group.
Labour force (people aged 15 years and over)
- Total labour force (employed and unemployed) 4610
- Employed (total) 4487
- Full-time 2873
- Part-time 1364
- Unemployed 123 (2.7%)
- Not in labour force 1491
Occupation (employed people aged 15 years and over)
- Professionals 996
- Clerical and administrative workers 927
- Technicians and trade workers 615
- Sales workers 493
- Managers 520
- Community and personal service workers 450
- Labourers 276
- Machinery operators and drivers 156
Industry of employment (employed people aged 15 years and over)
- School education 251
- State government administration 189
- Cafes, restaurants & takeaway food services 171
- Hospitals 160
- Supermarket & grocery stores 120
- Defence 153
- Machinery & equipment repair & maintenance 4
- Fuel retailing 3
- Recreational goods retailing 3
- Median individual (people aged 15 years and over) income $610/week
- Household gross income
- Below $1000 904 households (approx total
$625,000) Average about $690
- $1000-$1700 469 households (approx total
$625,000) Average about $1330
- $1700-$2500 550 households (approx total
$1,025,000) Average about $1860
- $2500 plus 397
households (approx total $1,075,000) Average above $2700
Family characteristics
- Total families 2348
- Couples with children 1360
- Couples without children 676
- One parent families 291
- Other families 21
- Household composition
- Family household 2302
- Lone person household 281
- Group household 51
- Family blending
- Intact family with no children at home 1204
- Step family with no children at
home 85
- Blended family with no other
children 45
- Intact family with other
- Step
family with other
Types of dwellings
- Total private dwellings (occupied and unoccupied) 2780
- Occupied private dwellings 2682
- Separate house 2497
- Semi-detached, row or terrace house, townhouse 63
- Flat, unit or apartment 122
- Tenure type - occupied private dwellings
- Fully owned 819
- Being purchased 1223
- Rented 573
- Other 63
State Housing rental dwellings 54
Median rent $935/month
Median housing loan repayment $1334/month
Average household size 3.0
Motor vehicles in The Grove
- None
79 dwellings 0 motor
- One
826 dwellings 826
- Two
1176 dwellings 2352
- Three
350 dwellings 1050
- Four or more 153
dwellings 612
- Total motor
4840 (approximately 10 vehicles for every
17 people)
Method of travel to work
- Train 550
- Train and bus 54
- Train and car 133
- Train and 2 other methods 16
- Bus 19
- Bus and car 4
- Ferry
- Tram
- Taxi 13
- Car 2689
- Truck 40
- Motorbike/scooter 53
- Bicycle 14
- Walked only 64
Work at home 141
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