Transition The Grove

...transitioning to thriving resilience in a low-carbon low-oil-dependent future

in Ferny Grove, Upper Kedron, Ferny Hills, Arana Hills, Keperra & Woolshed Grove
and the mountain catchments of Kedron Brook

Health & Care

This website is for information only. It does not specifically endorse any health practices or practitioners. Although it is actively & carefully updated, no guarantee can be given that the information provided is current, accurate or complete. If any corrections, changes, additions or deletions are needed, please go to the contact tab on this website.

Wellness Vision for 2020 in The Grove

Health Information


Emergency Services & Ambulances

Queensland Ambulance Service - dial 000. Do not call 000 unless you are in critical need of emergency services (police, fire or ambulance)

Dental Services

Medicare Dental Health Scheme

Allied Healthcare Professionals

Community Support Services

Exercise Healthcare

Hospitals & Community Health Centres

North West Community Health Centre

Health Education Services

Palliative Care & Funeral Services

We have a cemetery in The Grove, but it is not currently 'active'! It contains some historical graves.

Wish list: A respite centre located in The Grove, specifically for the use of people in The Grove community (sick family members needing care for a day while their carers go to work, people who are dying & need palliative care, people with severe mental or physical disabilities needing care & management, & respite for carers).  It could also provide local paid work, and local people and families could volunteer. It would alleviate the isolation of carers alone in homes caring for family members.

Alternative & Complementary Healthcare


Healthcare Equipment

Healthcare Statistics

People needing assistance because of profound or severe disability (self-care, mobility, communication) because of disability, long term health condition or old age

Persons providing unpaid assistance to a person with a disability by age of person giving assistance

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