This website is for information only. It does not specifically
endorse any health practices or practitioners. Although it is actively
& carefully updated, no guarantee can be given that the information
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- Wellness Vision for 2020 in The Grove
- Well-being
- A heart free of bitterness, resentment, hate, envy, unforgiveness
- A spirit filled with joy, hope, celebration, thankfulness, good will to the community, a sense of belonging and purpose
- A sense of control over our lives, of living authentic lives in which we can be open, real and honest to each other
- An environment which refreshes us
- A spirit free of guilt
- Self-confidence and optimism and commitment to goals beyond our own individual welfare
- Time for deep, revitalising sleep and rest when we need it
- Stable communities where the social structures are known and can be relied on
- Freedom from deep worries, such as heavy financial pressures
- Relationships with our family, neighbours, community providing nurture, trust, essential support & long-term stability
- Hugs and affection
- Relationships with animals and birds and livestock
- Identification of local community health care
- Identification of all providers across all sectors
- Identification of all needs
- Nutrition
- Food grown on soil which provides essential nutrients
- A balanced diet of fresh, nutritious, locally-grown food
- Freedom from toxins, anti-biotics and dangerous additives
- Food bursting with natural enzymes and lfe
- Non-excessive calorie intake
- Adequate salt intake for sub-tropical climate, especially if working outdoors or doing manual labour
- Stores of salt may have been sourced before the transition, if local sources cannot be identified & mined
- Local manufacture of nutriceuticals
- Food hygeine
- Well-understood and practiced processes for handling and storing food to avoid contamination
- Fresh water
- Water that is safe to drink
- Water that is free from dangerous additives
- Local water supplies with methods for ensuring they are potable
- Fresh air and sunlight
- Pollution free air to breathe
- Vitamin D from sunlight
- Attention to hats, sunglasses, and protection against excessive sun exposure
- Regular treatment for sun-damage to skin
- First aid
- Treatment for wounds and burns
- Snake-bite, tick and spider-bite treatment
- Treatment for broken bones and sprains
- Treatment for concussion
- Nurture for aching backs, sore joints and tired limbs
- Minor surgery
- Local surgeries with medical practitioners with skills to perform surgery, including appendectomies
- Local medical practitioners skilled and prepared to assist at child-birth
- Stores of antisceptics, anaesthetics and surgical supplies such as scalples
- Careful preservation of local surgeries and local medical manufacturing or testing sites and equipment
- Dental care
- Local dental care
- Dental hygeine education
- Local production of brushes and materials for cleaning teeth
- Local manufacture of false teeth
- Vision and hearing
- Education in care of eyes, and eye exercises to enhance vision
- Sunglasses
- Knowledge about how to live with reduced vision
- Access to specialist treatment for eyes, including provision of spectacles
- Stores of spectacles
- Knowledge of hour to lie with reduced hearing, although damaging levels of noise are no longer a concern
- Supply of hearing aids
- Respite
- Care for our children and dependents when they are ill and we must work
- Integration of frail aged into situations where they can receive assistance with meals and care
- Care and loving support when we are ill
- Care and loving support when we are dying
- Care and disposal of the dead, including provision for local burial
- Care for those among us who need help because of disabilities
- Care for our carers
- Knowing who in our community needs care, and how to provide it
- Knowing who in our community provides care, and being part of providing it
- Responsibility for our own health
- Knowing how to look after our health
- Understanding how to manage any chronic health condition we have as much as possible without external resources
- Individuals aim to have training and resources to self-care
- Support groups for particular conditions so that other people in the area can learn from and help each other
- Education in balance, and prevention of falls and injuries
- Pain management
- Education and support in exercise, masssage, physiotherapy,
Feldenkrais, Bowen therapy, meditation, acupuncture, pilates and
movement strategies
- Stores of equipment for mobility and support (cushions, walking frames, canes, wheel chairs, support belts,...)
- Heat pads
- Education and health information management
- Local library of health books and journals
- Local education courses and workshops for sharing knowledge among local health professionals
- Local education courses and workshops for the community to learn how to care for their own health
- Breathing and allergies
- Knowledge of systems for improving breathing through exercise (Buteyko breathing, yoga breathing methods)
- Knowledge of how to identify allergies
- Pharmaceutical stores
- Carefully selected reserves of products which can be stored long-term, for which there is clear demand and no natural substitute
- Identification of local plantsand growing plants with medicinal properties
- Bandages, band-aids, splints
- Production of insect repellants for mosquito and tic control from locally-grown plants
- Production of antisceptants such as ti-tree oil from locally grown shrubs
- Local manufacture of products such as vinegar, olive oil, honey especially varieties with high antisceptic properties
- Supplies of iodine, bi-carb soda
- Carefully controlled local production of opiates and marijuana for management of severe pain cases
- Personal hygeine
- Soaps, local manufacture of soaps and anti-bacterials
- Teeth hygeine, including ways of cleaning teeth with locally made products
- Adequate water supply for washing regularly
- Attention to nail hygeine, nail files, brushes
- Locally produced alternatives identified for female sanitary items
- Local alternatives identified for personal toilet cleansing
- Protective clothing and footwear
- Local manufacture of clothing suitable for manual and outside work
- Local footwear manufacture
- Local gloves manufacture
- Local hats and sunshade manufacture
- Local wet-weather protection manufacture
- Foot care
- With greatly increased walking and outdoor work, foot care is a prime consideration
- Local podiatrist
- Knowledge and attention by individuals to taking care of their feet, and to feet hygeine
- Attention to getting urgent help with foot wounds
- Education about foot care
- Digestive tract and parasite control
- Supplies of locally grown wormwood for worm treatment of humans and livestock
- Knowledge of how to manage livestock to minimise picking up diseases from them
- Post-transition diet and greater level of physical work and activity condusive to generally improved bowel health
- Knowledge of ways of managing bowel and digestive health
- Exercise
- A Transition world will provide a lot more exercise naturally
- Walking
- Cycling
- Working in the garden to grow food
- Local sports (tennis, cricket, football, basketball, dancing, yoga, Tai Chi, athletics, rugby, bowling, volleyball,golf,..)
- Conception, pregnancy, child-birth, child-care
- Knowledge and education on sexual development
- Knowledge and availability of natural contraception methods
- Knowledge and support for mothers during pregnancy
- Birthing centres and birthing support for mothers and neo-nates
- Knowledge, education and support for new parents in raising babies and infants
- Support with breast-feeding
- Infectious disease control
- Low influx of new infections into local community
- Knowledge of how to identify and treat and isolate childhood infections
- Vaccinations if they are available
- Care and attention to methods of hygeine to restrict disease transmission
- Attention to public health factors such as rats, including careful management of places where they might breed
- Equipment to clean and clear areas of dirt and rubbish
- Collection procedures for materials for on-cycling
- Careful management of blackwater and greywater to avoid contamination of soil and water supplies
- Management of potential mosquito-breeding sites, with education programs and treatment with locally produced insecticides
- Well-understood and practiced processes for protecting against inhaled pathogens when working with composts
- Industrial processes and occupational health and safety
- Where processes provide potential for harm or disease, these need to be managed with strict protocols
- Where equipment is used which involves risk of occupation harm, this needs to be managed with strict protocols
- Ladders, heights
- Using equipment such as saws and axes where there is potential for accidents
- Lifting heavy goods or pulling heavy items
- Extreme health crises
- Knowledge of first aid skills
- Local medical practitioners skilled in diagnosis, especially through locally available diagnostic tools and reference sources
- Where conditions cannot be managed within the local area, a facility for delivery to a regional hospital
Health Information
- Health hazards locally
- Freshwater mosquitos, breeding in wet seasons iin pools,
drains, swamps and containers in backyards can carry diseases:
- Ross River Virus - arthritis, lethargy, rash
- Barmah Forest Virus - arthritis, lethargy, rash
- Heartworm (dogs and cats)
- Brisbane City Council runs mosquito control programs spraying
with insecticide Bt1 and insect growth regulator Methoprene. They also
run checks and education programs on emptying water out of backyard
containers where mosquitos breed.
- Rats: Rattus norvegicus and rattus rattus
- Snakes
- Spiders
- Ticks
- Hep Call for information and someone to talk to about Hepatitis
C. Call 3236 0612 or 1800 648 491 Hepatiits Council of QLD
- Dr Gordon Phun, 1300 Samford Rd, Ferny Grove 3351 1979.
Family medicine, acupuncture, wound care
- Ferny Grove Chambers Medical Practice, 1304 Samford Rd,
Ferny Grove 3351 5111 (Dr Jennifer McGill, Dr Cheryl Krause, Dr Gregory
Smith, Dr David Dionysius, Dr George Abigail, Dr Melissa Tan)
- Aches & Pains Family Practice, 47/ 51 McGinn Rd, Ferny
Grove (Ferny Grove Shopping Village) 3351 8593 (Dr Okonkwo) Mon-Fri 8am
to 6pm, Sat 8am to 2pm. Bulk billing for the entire family
- Ferny Fair Medical Practice. Family medicine covering
paediatrics, men & women's health, vaccinations (routine &
travel), preventative medicine, palliative care, emergency home visits
for regular patients. Psychologist. Consultation by appointment 3351
4455. Ferny Fair Shopping Plaza, 170 Patricks Rd, Ferny Hills. Dr David
Ellis, Dr Conrad Yoong, Dr Susan Woods, Donna Power, Pauline
Williams, Maureen Bensted, Miriam Marrinan, Helen Davies
- Walton Bridge Medical Centre. 3351 2211. Dr Matthew
Valentine, Dr Peter Norris, Dr Cathy Skoien, Dr Shane Sonderfeld.
Mon-Fri 8.30am-12.30pm, 2.30pm-5.30-m 3351 2211.
Emergency Services & Ambulances
Queensland Ambulance Service - dial 000. Do not call 000 unless you
are in critical need of emergency services (police, fire or ambulance)
Dental Services
- Dentists
- Ferny Grove Chambers Dental Practice (Tony Sheppard,
Deborah Fellows), 1304 Samford Rd, Ferny Grove. 3351 5333
- Murray Holmes, Ferny Way, Ferny Hills 3351 2731
- Dental Technicians
- Eveleigh Dental Laboratory. Mawarra Crescent, Ferny Hills
(servicing the dental industry)
- Orthodontists
- Ferny Hills Orthodontic Practice, 135 Ferny Way
- Peter Keay
- Annu Nangia
- 3351 4848. Open Mon-Fri 1am-5.30pm. Closed every 2nd Monday.
- Medicare Dental Health Scheme
- You may be entitled to claim up to $4250 in Medicare benefits
if you are suffering from a chronic illness and have complex needs for
dental care. Chronic diseases may be cancer, cardiovascular illness,
diabetes, arthritis and stroke. Call Medicare Dental Health 132001
Allied Healthcare Professionals
- Acupuncture
- Dr Gordon Phun, 1300 Samford Rd, Ferny Grove 3351 1979
- Ambulance
- Austism /Aspergers Support Services
- Breast Screening
- Chiropractors
- Ferny Chiropractic, 135 Ferny Way
- Neil Robertson
- Laina Collings
- Patrick Maher
- Elise Cowley
- 3351 0933. Open Mon-Fri 8am-6pm, Sat 8am-1pm
- Selling heat packs, ice packs, pillows, health books
- Counselling/ Psychotherapy
- New Day Psychological Services Pty Ltd, 135 Ferny Way
- Dr Denise Robertson
- Ms Linda Meaker
- Dr Carla Rogers
- Mr Tony Robinson
- 3351 2222, Mon-Fri by appointment only
- Diabetes - Kidney Dialysis Units
- United Discount Chemists, McGinn Rd is a diabetes sub-agency
for all your diabetic needs (3351 2434)
- North West Community Health Centre
- Diabetic shoes are sold at Dynamic Podiatry, 135 Ferny Way
- Midwives
- Needle Exchange Program
- North West Community Health Centre
- Nurses
- Nutritionists
- Optometrists / spectacles
- [Eyecare Plus, Hanks Optometrists, B7 Great Western Shopping
Centre, Keperra 3351 4888]
- Osteoporosis management
- Joseph & Crystal Smith, Casa Fisica House of Fitness 3351
1506 Injury Prevention/ Management, Stride Analysis, Fitness.
Ferny Grove studio
- Pathology
- Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology 3351 8783
Ferny Fair Shopping Centre, 170 Patricks Rd, Ferny Hills
- Pharmacists
- United Discount Chemists, McGinn Rd, Ferny Grove
Shopping Village, Ferny Grove 3351 2434 Mon-Fri 8am-6pm, Sat 8:30am to
4:30pm, Sun 9am to 12.30pm. Seniors discount, free local delivery, free
blood pressure testing, diabetes sub-agency
- Ferny Grove Pharmacist Advice, 1300 Samford Rd, Ferny
Grove. 3851 2100
- Ferny Hills Pharmacy, 136 Ferny Way, Ferny Hills
3351 2434
- Patrick's Road Pharmacy, 170 Patrick's Rd, Ferny Fair
Shopping Centre, Ferny Hills 3351 5300 (Excellent prices on film
- Physiotherapists
- Ferny Grove Physiotherapy 3351 4388, 6/ 1300 Samford
Rd, Ferny Grove (near BP garage). Sports injuries, back & neck
injuries, Workcover, Veterans Affairs, massage therapy.
Physiotherapists (Stephen Partridge, Hena Mairaj, Martin Love) and a
massage therapist (Catherine Monteiro).
- Ferny Hills Physiotherapy, Shop 10, Ferny Fair
Shopping Plaza, 170 Patricks Rd, Ferny Hills. 3351 5177. Spinal care,
sports injuiries, orthotics, hydrotherapy, exercise prescription, pain
management. Mon-Fri 7am-7pm by appointment. Sat 8am to 12 noon. Trish
Anderson, Marcus Hood, Marita Davis
- Podiatrists
- Dynamic Podiatry, 4/135 Ferny Way
- 3351 8878
- Video GaitScan Analysis
- Orthotics
- Diabetic and health shoes
- Elastic stockings
- Psychologists
- Ferny Fair Medical Practice. Psychologist. Consultation by
appointment 3351 4455.
- New Day Psychological Services Pty Ltd, 135 Ferny Way
- Dr Denise Robertson
- Ms Linda Meaker
- Dr Carla Rogers
- Mr Tony Robinson
- 3351 2222, Mon-Fri by appointment only
- Rehabilitation
- X-ray centres
Community Support Services
- Aboriginal health services
- Aged care
- Alcoholism & Drug Services
- Alcoholics Anonymous AA Helpline 3255 9162
- Breastfeeding support
- Australian Breastfeeding Association helpline 3844
8166 3844 8977
- Childcare Clinics
- Commonwealth
Respite and Carelink Centres, Carers Australia
- Information on local aged and community care services
- Arrange help for carers to take a break from their care role
- Call 1800 052 222 Freecall
- Emergency respite outside business hours 1800 059 059 Freecall
- Carer Advisory and Counselling Service 1800 242 636
- Disability Support
- HACC Home & Community Care
- Meals on Wheels
- What are the "low-mileage, low petrol" options? Currently the
nearest Meals on Wheels centre is at Mitchelton, up to 7 kms away with
poor access by public transport.
- [Single Serve Meals
3355 5784]
- Mental Health Clinics
- Public Health, hygiene practices
- Respite Care
- Residential Villages
- Regis Parkland Manor, Lanita Road, Ferny Grove
- Weight management
Exercise Healthcare
- Buteyko Breathing
- Fitness Centres
- Gentle Exercise for Seniors
- Injury Prevention/ Management, Stride Analysis
- Joseph & Crystal Smith, Casa Fisica House of Fitness 3351
1506 Ferny Grove studio
- Pilates
- Tai Chi
- Yoga
- [Hills District PCYC. 3855 1980]
Hospitals & Community Health
North West Community Health Centre
Health Education Services
- Ferny Grove State School - Special Education Unit
- First Aid Training
- Hygiene education
Palliative Care &
Funeral Services
We have a cemetery in The Grove, but it is not currently 'active'!
It contains some historical graves.
Wish list: A respite centre located in The Grove, specifically
for the use of people in The Grove community (sick family members
needing care for a day while their carers go to work, people who are
dying & need palliative care, people with severe mental or physical
disabilities needing care & management, & respite for
carers). It could also provide local paid work, and local people
and families could volunteer. It would alleviate the isolation of
carers alone in homes caring for family members.
Alternative & Complementary
- Acupuncture
- [Banksia Healing
Centre, Charmaine Renaud, 92 Illuta Ave, Ferny Hills 3351 4691
Acupuncture, massage, Chinese herbs, lymphatic drainage, reflexology,
flower essence. Health rebates available]
- Asthma - essential oils
- Breathe Easy Essential Oil (eucalyptus, peppermint, lemon,
fir needle, melaleuca, thyme, anise, ginger, lavender, cedrus atlatica
- Bowen Therapy
- Chinese Medicine
- Banksia Healing Centre 3351 4691
- Feldenkrais, Structural Integration, Awareness Through Movement
- Massage (Remedial, sports, Swedish)
- [Banksia Healing Centre, Charmaine Renaud, 92 Illuta Ave,
Ferny Hills 3351 4691 Acupuncture, massage, Chinese herbs, lymphatic
drainage, reflexology, flower essence]
- Harmony Place Day Retreats $150. Rest, relax and
rejuvenate with
massage, reflexology, Reiki and a buffet lunch. 3851 1528, 0408 559 994
or Selma 3855 5036 Gift vouchers available for Christmas
- Ferny Chiropractic - Elise Cowley, 135 Ferny Way. 3351 0033
- Meditation
- Reflexology
- [Banksia Healing Centre, Charmaine Renaud, 92 Illuta Ave,
Ferny Hills 3351 4691 Acupuncture, massage, Chinese herbs, lymphatic
drainage, reflexology, flower essence]
- Harmony Place Day Retreats $150. Rest, relax and
rejuvenate with
massage, reflexology, Reiki and a buffet lunch. 3851 1528, 0408 559 994
or Selma 3855 5036 Gift vouchers available for Christmas
- Reiki
- Reiki Healing,
Upper Kedron
This is a group for people who have an interest in Reiki holistic
healing. I run a private group for Reiki healers (with certificate)
who are interested in hands-on-practice in a friendly and supportive
environment. We meditate, discusshealing issues, have
hands-on-practice, and experiment with different healing techniques.
If you are interested in participating you can contact me on: for more details. You can find details of
our workshops and meetings on: M Johnson
-Reiki Master Teacher, Available for Reiki Healing, Attunements and
teachings. Everyone can learn Reiki Healing. Find out how you can learn
to heal yourself and others. Combat stress, imbalance and ill health
through Reiki Self-Healing
- Harmony Place Day Retreats $150. Rest, relax and
rejuvenate with
massage, reflexology, Reiki and a buffet lunch. 3851 1528, 0408 559 994
or Selma 3855 5036 Gift vouchers available for Christmas
- Cancer management
- Gynaecologists
- Heart care
- Hip & knee care
- Dynamic Podiatry, 135 Ferny Way, 3351 8878
- Obstetricians
- Opticians
- Orthodontists
- Ferny Hills Orthodontic Practice, 135 Ferny Way. 3351 4848
- Orthopaedic specialists
- Paediatricians
- Psychiatrists
- Surgeons
Healthcare Equipment
- Shoes (ordinary)
- [Shoes at Arana Hills Kmart Plaza]
- Diabetic and health shoes, Dynamic Podiatry, 135 Ferny Way
- Spectacles
Healthcare Statistics
People needing assistance because of profound or severe disability
(self-care, mobility, communication) because of disability, long term
health condition or old age
- 0-4 years 9
- 5-14 years 28
- 15-19 years 19
- 20-24 years 5
- 25-34 years 14
- 35-44 years 10
- 45-54 years 13
- 55-64 years 21
- 65-74 years 14
- 75-84 years 23
- 85 years & over 10
- Total 166
Persons providing unpaid assistance to a person with a disability by
age of person giving assistance
- 15-19 years 24
- 20-24 years 20
- 25-34 years 73
- 35-44 years 152
- 45-54 years 182
- 55-64 years 174
- 65-74 years 32
- 75-84 years 7
- Total 664
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