Local food suppliers
- Bakeries
- Brumby's, Ferny Grove Shopping
- Ferny Way Bakery. Ferny Way
- BP Ferny Grove, Samford Rd
- The Hills Bakery, Ferny Fair
Shopping Plaza, Patricks Rd
- Cafes/ coffee
- Nadith's. Internet Cafe, Ferny
Grove Shopping Village
- Coffee on the Way, Ferny Way
- Pizza Planet Snack Bar &
Seafood, Ferny Way
- CT's Catering Bistro, Ferny
Grove Bowls, Sports and Community Club
- Edge Modern Dining, 135 Ferny Way
- Arana Leagues Club - they run a courtesy bus to and from The Grove for members
- Caterers
- Nadith's. Internet Cafe, Ferny
Grove Shopping Village
- Ferny Grove Bowls, Sports and
Community Club
- Edge Modern Dining, 135 Ferny Way
- Convenience stores
- Value Plus Food Mart, Ferny Fair
Shopping Centre, Patricks Rd
- Coles. Ferny Grove Shopping
- Foodworks. Ferny Way
- Prickly Pear Fruit Market, Ferny
Grove Shopping Village
- Ferny Way Meats 'N' More, Ferny
- Fish & chips & fish
- Taylor's Seafoods, Ferny Grove
Shopping Village
- Row Boats Seafood Cafe Takeaway,
Samford Rd
- Pizza Planet Snack Bar &
Seafood, Ferny Way
- Coles, Ferny Grove Shopping
Village (fresh fish)
- Superchicken, Ferny Fair Shopping Centre, Patricks Rd
- Fruit & Vegetables
- Prickly Pear Fruit Market, Ferny
Grove Shopping Village
- Ferny Way Meats 'N' More, Ferny
- Coles, Ferny Grove Shopping
- Foodworks, Ferny Way
- Ferny Grove Markets, Sundays at
Ferny Grove Station
- Value Plus Food Mart, Ferny Fair
Shopping Plaza, Patricks Rd
- Liquor outlets, bars
- BWS, Ferny Grove Shopping Village
- Ferny Grove Tavern, Samford Rd
- Ferny Grove Bowls, Sports and
Community Club
- Edge Modern Dining, 135 Ferny Way. Wine and cocktails
- Arana Leagues Club (bars and liquor shop). They run a courtesy bus to and from The Grove for members
- Markets
- Ferny Grove Markets on Sunday mornings has stalls selling fresh
fruit and vegetables, cakes, jams & preserves, coffee, vegetable
seedlings and some fruit trees, and various other offerings depending
on who comes along to sell
- Meat, butchers
- Ferny Way Meats 'N' More, Ferny
- Coles, Ferny Grove Shopping
- Restaurants
- Ferny Grove Tavern Bistro
- CT's Catering Bistro, Ferny
Grove Bowls, Sports and Community Club
- Indian
Appetite, Ferny Fair
Shopping Plaza, Patricks Rd (Dine-in, take-away) 10% discount Mon/Tues
on main meals cash only. Home delivery within 5km. Air conditioned.
Bookings recommended. 3351 0041 Lunch Thurs,Fri Sat 12noon-2pm, dinner
and takeaway: every day 5-10pm
- Edge Modern Dining, 135 Ferny Way
- Arana Leagues Club has 2 restaurants. They run a courtesy bus to and from The Grove for members.
- Supermarkets
- Value Plus Food Mart, Ferny Fair
Shopping Plaza, Patricks Rd
- Coles. Ferny Grove Shopping
- Foodworks. Ferny Way
- Take-away
- Indian Appetite, Ferny Fair
Shopping Plaza, Patricks Rd
- Thai Ra We Take-Away, Ferny Way
- Taylor's Seafoods, Ferny Grove
Shopping Village
- Row Boats Seafood Cafe Takeaway,
Samford Rd
- Pizza Planet Snack Bar &
Seafood, Ferny Way
- Superchicken, Ferny Fair
Shopping Plaza, Patricks Rd
- Coles, Ferny Grove Shopping
- BP Ferny Grove, Samford Rd
- Brumbies, Ferny Grove Shopping
- Ferny Way Bakery, Ferny Way
- The Hills Bakery, Ferny Fair
Shopping Plaza, Patricks Rd
- Superchicken, Ferny Fair Shopping Centre, Patricks Rd
Local farming & livestock
"One of the greatest assets of a farm is the sheer ecstacy of life."
The Grove has a history of farms in
this district. Most are being rapidly replaced by housing. We need to
urgently think about preserving what local farmland and farming skills
exist in this area.
FoodConnect also offers a guarantee of income to farmers growing
food for the local community.
Horticulture at Brisbane College of TAFE Grovely Campus. See also
Brisbane College of TAFE Oxford Park Campus.
Agriculture at Ferny Grove Senior High School
livestock of The Grove are currently diminishing
in numbers, and if they are to be saved will need urgent attention. We
have horses, cows, goats, sheep, chickens, ducks, quail in The Grove,
on farms, at the Ferny Grove State High School, and on private
properties. There used to be a pig farm in McGinn Rd.
Carbon farming and humates
Outback Biochar now commercially supplies Biochar for $20 + GST for 5.2kg bags (it is very light).
Carbon for Farmers: How to Survive and Profit one-day workshops for
rural landholders. Contact admin@carbonhouse.com.au or 07 3844 4595.
Cost $750 is said to be fully reimbursable under the Australian
Government's Farm Ready Program, with up to $500 for travel,
accomodation and child care. Workshops in Brisbane 28 January 2009. See
others in What's on Elsewhere.
Food growing in home gardens
Many of us are learning and practising
growing vegetables, fruit trees and palms, and nut trees around our
Vegetable and herb seedlings are sold each weekend at Ferny Grove
Landshare is an idea that is taking off in Britain. Landshare connects people who want to grow their own food with space to grow it.
Wish list: A local network in The
Grove of home food gardeners, organic gardeners and Permaculture
gardeners, to encourage and learn from each other, and share produce
and work and materials.
Wish list: Documentation of trees
and shrubs around The Grove which are not needed in large numbers, but
valuable to have scattered here and there. (Ex. Tamarind, curry leaf
tree, bay tree)
Food production in streets and
The street verges in our suburbs, the
parks and spaces in the local bushland all offer space, soil and
sunlight that is potential growing area for food crops, especially tree
crops, that could make our community much more secure as oil resources
diminish rapidly.
It is important that street verge trees
that do not produce useful products do not compete with food growing in
people's own gardens.
Trees which produce food crops can also
help reduce carbon in the atmosphere, and they can produce fuel and
timber supplies, as well as making our suburbs cooler and shadier.
Trees take up a lot of room, but can be
extremely productive food-supplies if managed well. This requires
discussions about types and uses of trees, how to acquire and plant
them, where to plant them, how to manage them, where to grow them, and
how to manage food produced .
The Sub-Tropical Fruit Growers meet at the Peace Hall at Albion
every second month.
Some fruit trees are offered for sale at the Ferny Grove Markets on
Sunday mornings.
Other sources of bulk supply are being negotiated.
Northey Street City Farm sells a wide range of food-producing plants.
Wish list: Jackfruit trees. olive
trees, nut trees and other food-producing trees scattered throughout
The Grove.
Wish list: Food-producing street
trees and trees in parks. A variety of species suitable to this
bio-region, and pest-resistant.
Community gardens,
orchards & livestock
"I beg your pardon, What's a
FARDEN?" Byron Adams
A community garden can be a place
people to meet and enjoy working together learning to grow food crops,
and sharing the produce grown.
Community gardens can also be places
where things can be grown, or animals kept, that don't fit readily into
a backyard. Goats to milk, a few pigs or sheep, larger numbers of
poultry, ducks or geese, a cow, roosters, orchards of trees and palms,
such as a large banana grove could all go well on community land.
One site that could be suitable for a
community food garden between the boundary of Ferny Grove State
High School, and Cedar Creek. It has good light. The area was kept
eaten down low by sheep and goats belonging to the High School before
the Storm.
Storehouses and warehouses
Foods need to be harvested, preserved
and stored safely to protect them from damage by rats, weevils, mould
and loss of nutrition.
Food cooperatives
OOBY stores: Our Own Back Yard production. One-stop food-growing shops. An opportunity waiting to happen here!
Permaculture & organic
Growing food needs lots
of knowledge
about how to build up the soil nutrients to feed the crops. As
fertiliser made from oil becomes scarcer, it will become very important
to learn how to compost and develop good quality soil for growing
food. Phil Ryan 3351 2041
There are qualified
teachers and practitioners in The Grove. 3851 1016
Hydroponics, aquaponics,
Combining fish farming
and hydroponics
is an effective way to grow protein and good crops. There is a lot of
information around now on how to do it.
- Yes, we have local bee-keepers who also teach how to keep bees and harvest honey.
3851 1016
The Year 12 Chemistry course at Ferny Grove Senior High School includes
wine-making, and is apparently known for winning prizes at the annual
Food preparation &
Soil enrichment
On the
whole, the soil in The Grove requires a lot
of attention to make it fertile for growing food crops. Production of
manures and minerals and compost and organic matter to enrich the soil
must be one of the highest priorities.
farming to capture carbon in soils
livestock of The Grove are currently diminishing
in numbers, and if they are to be saved will need urgent attention. We
have horses, cows, goats, sheep, chickens, ducks, quail in The Grove,
on farms, at the Ferny Grove State High School, and on private
properties. There used to be a pig farm in McGinn Rd.
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